Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Linguafolio Novice Low Person-To-Person

  • I can greet people in a polite way using single words and memorized phrases.
google chat of me greeting another classmate
8:31 PM
Hola Madre! Como estas hoy?

Tina Lomick
8:31 PM
Yo soy fabuloso, y tu?

8:32 PM
Yo soy fabuloso gracias!
  • I can introduce myself to someone.
google chat of me introducing myself to someone else. And someone asking me about myself like things that I am interested in, and answering them afterwards.

Tina Lomick
8:36 PM
Hola Michelle

8:37 PM
Hola Madre, como estas hoy?

Tina Lomick
8:38 PM
como es tu favorite ascuela material?

8:38 PM
Mi favorito ascuela materia es Publico Hablar

Tina Lomick
8:39 PM
Como es tu favorite colores?

8:39 PM
Mi favorito colores es rosa.

Tina Lomick
8:40 PM
Como es tu favorito comida?

8:40 PM
Mi favorito comida es Comida es Chinese

Tina Lomick
8:41 PM
Como es tu favorito musica?

8:41 PM
Mi favorito musica es Musica es Pop.
  • I can answer simple questions using one or more words.
Attend google chat with a classmate, answering questions.
Olivia Hudson joined group chat.

Olivia Hudson
3:02 PM
Que es tu nombre?

3:02 PM
Me lllamo es Michelle

Olivia Hudson
3:02 PM
Como viejo estamos tu?

3:04 PM
Yo soy quince, casi dieciseis.

Olivia Hudson
3:04 PM
Que escuela estamos tu asistir?

3:04 PM
Gaston Early College High School

Olivia Hudson
3:06 PM
Como mucho hermanos y tambien hermanas estamos en tu familia?

3:06 PM
Yo tienes cinco hermano y hermana en todo.

  • I can answer questions about my preferences using one or more words or memorized phrases.
Have video of me answering questions about my preferences like food
  • I can react to a statement using one or more words or memorized phrases.
Use video of the whole class answering the questions asked by Mrs. Sexton
Link: Class Answering Questions

1 comment:

  1. The 2nd and third conversations are very difficult to understand and illogical.
